Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm interested in getting a baby peace lily plant. If you have been successful at growing one please tell

me all the important steps to take care of it. What kind of fertilizers (brand) do you use, how and how often? If you repot, what kind of soil (brand) do you use and do you need to use pebbles, how and what kind of pebbles? How often do you water the plant? How do you prevent it from pest and bugs? How do you clean the plant in terms of the leaves and flower, the upkeeping? Please let me know everything I need to know before I get the plant home. This will be my very 1st plant. Thanks! P. S. Should I get a baby one or a medium size one?

I'm interested in getting a baby peace lily plant. If you have been successful at growing one please tell
I have had baby peace lily plants and they get they grow slowly though and need shade. When the leaves get brown on the edges. ...that means they have too much water. I live in a semi tropical area and have put them outside and they are about 3 feet tall now. I used blood and bone in the soil. It is the best fertilizer...but outside ...dogs will smell it and dig up your plant...if there are any stray or loose you have to water in well outside. They don't like any direct sunlight. type in peace lily in the search box. I clean my indoor plants leaves with a soft cloth damp with milk..

Description: Spathiphyllums are related to Anthuriums. All species require normal warmth, a moist atmosphere and ample watering during their period of active growth. Their white flowers provide a striking contrast against the dark glossy leaves. The fragrant blooms may appear at any time in congenial conditions, but most freely in late spring to early summer. The plants are surprisingly tolerant of room conditions, yet sudden changes in temperature may damage the plant.

Care: Part shade to deep shade. For pots: they will grow and flourish in almost any well drained soil - e.g. a good commercial soil mix containing peat moss, bark and sand. Allow soil to dry between waterings. Requires good drainage. Warmth and humidity are essential - spray the leaves frequently. Position the pots in good light. Feed with a liquid fertiliser all year round - every two weeks from spring until late summer, monthly at half strength at other times. Reduce the amount of water in winter. Repot every year in spring. The leaves should be periodically cleaned with a soft, moist cloth.

Pests/Diseases: Mites, scales and mealy bugs can attack the indoor plant - place outside in the shade to rejuvenate.

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