Monday, May 17, 2010

Goldfish breeding?

I buy "feeder" goldfish for a dime or less a piece then put them in my outside pond. They grow about 4inches the first year. In the winter we put them in the basement in the pond there. We use fountains to keep them airiated. But we can never get them to breed. I have had some for about 3-4 years, but then have never bred.

The ponds are big-- about four feet by six feet kind of free formed. We feed them catfish food. The ponds have a water lily or two each, a couple of catfish and some big Koi, but mainly goldfish and moors.

What are we doing wrong?

Goldfish breeding?
They may be breeding but eating all the eggs and fry. The koi will eat any baby fish they can find. Add more plants and hiding spots and you may someday see some fry mature. Once they get big enough to not be eaten they will survive. Also the cat fish would eat up any eggs it finds and cat fish have amazing sence of smell, so no egg would go unfound.
Reply:I have goldfish forever,or my kids have. They are egg layers and I have never got them to reproduce. You would think as cheap as they are you would have a million of them but for some reason they dont.
Reply:goldfish are seasonal spawners and if they have a hibernation period then there is more chance they will spawn.a hebernation period of 6 - 8 week at 35 to 50 digrees will help them urge to spawnning time.what to do is dont bring them inside they are coldwater fish so dont worry.

give them food with lots of protein like redworm,bloodworm ,scrambled egg.the diet encourges healthy egg and sperm production.

with lots of room,good food,good water and after coming out of hibernation they will be in the spawning condition.

eggs are laid on plants.

hope it helps =]]

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