Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can i float a water lily on the surface of my beta's fish bowl?

i read that you can use any water plants in a fish bowl for betas.

is this a good idea?

and where can i get water lilies?--- walmart, lowes etc...

Can i float a water lily on the surface of my beta's fish bowl?
I don't see why not.

May have better luck with an aquatic garden center, pet store, aquarium store or maybe call a local garden center (NOT a home improvement store) and ask if they have or know of a store that sells aquatic plants.
Reply:You should be OK, as long as it dosen't fully cover the top, bettas also get some of their oxygen from the air. It sounds like a neat idea.
Reply:who said you couldnt like bubbles they add security
Reply:No. This wil kill your fish. Bettas absorb oxygen from the surface of the water. Adding a floating plant would block this oxygen. A small underwater plant is great.
Reply:ummm..... apart from the fact its extremely cruel and these fish need a very specific area on the water surface to breath because they have a special organ called the labrinth organ which is basically a lung and they use it to breath air from the water surface. because it cant store much air at once, the betta need to keep visiting the surface to collect more so if i were you i wouldnt bother
Reply:Go to a pet shop. some plants will depleat the water of oxygen and will harm the fish. Most pet shops have good aquatic plants. i think that water lilies are one of the oxygen depleters. Go to lowe's and ask for deiffenbachia, since this plan can live on the water and won't harm the fish.
Reply:The beta won't mind the plant, just be sure that you change a portion of the water regularly and still feed the beta with beta food. A lot of people think that they will just eat on the roots of the plants and they are meat eaters so the plant roots aren't really appealing.

There are usually pond-type plants at any pet store that has aquatics like a Petsmart or PetCo.

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