Friday, November 18, 2011

Should I water my peace lily from the bottom?

I usually get a large saucer and fill it 3/4 full of warm water and set it into the water. After an hour or so I take it out and let it drain. The plant will only take up what is needs. I would take it out of a plastic pot and re-pot it into a decorative clay. The clay helps the roots breathe and get a chance to dry out a little so they don't become mushy. This treatment will last a week or so. Over watering a plant is the biggest killer as the roots are constantly wet and start to rot. As the roots rot the plant becomes week and sick, so people automatically give it more water, like giving a pack of cigarettes to an asthma patient. You can use a spray bottle with warm water to spray the leaves to clean them off. Keep in medium light and away from direct sun, as the white flower will start turning green. This happens because all parts of the plants make chlorophyll as light increases. Ever buy potatoes and found a few had green parts to them? This is the part that grew above the ground and had light

Should I water my peace lily from the bottom? not sure. just make sure, if you do, every once in a while you should water it from the top to wash away fertilizer salts. once the surface of the soil gets damp, you should get rid of the rest of the water, otherwise, it will overwater the lily. my step-mom did that; the poor thing died.
Reply:i love this plan it is so strong.... i water mine from the bottom

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